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Dark Bind 丨 猎魔之刃 丨 魂系MMO游戏UI设计GAME UI


This is a project I have worked on for a long time and experienced two different styles. It is a pity that the project was be terminated, but I am still very grateful for this experience, which has enabled me to learn a lot. I am extremely grateful to Mr. Bobo Da for his guidance, as well as to the UI and UX partners in the same group. I will send it out to commemorate it and take it as my summary of a period of time
Dark Bind 丨 猎魔之刃 丨 魂系MMO游戏UI设计GAME UI

Dark Bind 丨 猎魔之刃 丨 魂系MMO游戏UI设计GAME UI
